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Most common questions: adapting your diet to low carb

Most common questions: adapting your diet to low carb

Published on 12th Jun, 2022

How many carbs should I be eating?

A low carb diet refers to eating 130g of carbs or less per day, many people reduce this further to suit their goals but to start with this can be a good place to begin. Every individual is different and it is important to find what works for you, some people find that gradually decreasing their intake works whilst others like to reduce their carb intake significantly straight away.

What sort of foods should I be looking to reduce?

The low carb lifestyle looks to avoid processed foods, sugar and refined carbohydrates, foods such as crisps, sweets, bread and takeaways. The lifestyle aims to encourage eating whole and natural foods whilst reducing your carb intake. Try to include some non-starchy vegetables in your diet, with a protein source such as fish/meat/legumes and a variety of healthy fats.

What are some good food swaps?

There are loads of food swaps which can help you reduce your carb and processed food intake by swapping in a different type of food which is just as delicious. Some of our favourites include:

Swap: Chips. For: Celeriac chips or butternut squash chips.

Swap: Crisps. For: Kale crisps.

Swap: Mash potato: For: Cauliflower mash or butternut squash mash.

Swap: Rice. For: Cauliflower rice, try out some different flavour combos.

Swap: Milk chocolate. For: Dark 85%+ chocolate.

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